Monday, October 27, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008

Digital Art Canvas

1. The theme of my digital art canvas is the middle east conflict (especially the War in Iraq). My art piece is critical of the United States imperialistic endeavors in Iraq. My piece depicts a war not against terror but for monetary and commodity gain, which is seen in the background as the oil well (commodity) is shooting out money (monetary). Meanwhile, in the front of the painting we see how this war has had an effect on the people in these regions. (Picture is actually from the war.)
Principles and Elements of Design:
Balance: The left side having larger images and being lighter and the right side being darker and more barren shows a sense of balance on the picture plane.
Gradiation: The yellow to red (from light to darker) causes static gradiation on the picture plane
Dominance: Since there are larger, lighter images in the bottom left of the piece, there is a sense of dominance on the picture plane. (this avoids monotony)
Direction: The army trucks moving diagonally from left to right gives a sense of direction on the picture plane.
Texture: The brush filter used on the desert sand gives a sense of rough texture on the picture plane
Size: The background's small oil well gives a sense of size against the large night sky.
Colour: A yellow to red layer with a low opacity was put on to give the piece a primary/compound hue.
Shape: The moon in the top left corner is an example of an organic shape, while the oil well is an example of a geometric shape.
Line: The oil wells shadow creates a line on the picture plane