Friday, February 15, 2008

My Hero: Jesse Owens

1.I have used the following motifs to generate page layout and design: An American flag blowing in the the wind as the background for the design and page layout. I have taken an image of Jesse Owens running and altered the sizes and opacity to create a stencil template on my picture plane. I choose to place the American flag blowing freely in the background to represent the liberty and hope that Jesse Owen stood for during his generation. I choose to place the images of Jesse Owens from smallest to largest body image culminating in the largest shadow image at the end. This represents the journey any man takes to achieve greatness no matter their race or color. In the end Jesse is just a man of talent and greatness (hence the largest shadow) and not a man of color or race. He could be any man.

2. The approach I took with this layout was minimal and simplistic one (I only used two images and just his name with no direct message). The reason I took this aproach especially by not using more text was to allow the viewer to evoke their own emotion and opinions when viewing this image. I hope to convey the feeling of freedom (with the american flag) and strength and power (with the image of the body in motion).

3. Colour: By using the American flag colors of red, white and blue as a background the viewer immediately sees a recognizable image that sets the tone of democracy for this poster. Since the background was already colorful the image of Jesse Owen in black and white made the most sense.

Focal Point: The largest image of Jesse Owens running (before the shadow) creates a focal point on the picture plane and also is the most developed body image as the two images before are not completely defined.

Overlap image: To get all the body images in the poster I had to overlap three of them on the picture plane and have them overlapping at the arms.

Movement: The image of the runner from smallest to largest creates movement on the picture plane.

Rhythm: This whole poster is made up of many small motifs which create rhythm or repetition. The stars and stripes in the flag as well as the image of the runner are repeated motifs adding to the rhythm.

Balance: The arrangement of the runners create an asymmetrical balance on the picture plane. The image is identical only individually magnified.

Scale: The runners increasingly growing size creates scale on the picture.

Texture: The billowing of the flag creates a smooth background texture while the graininess of the runner creates a rough texture on the picture plane.

4. The three reasons why I feel this poster is the strongest is as follows:
This poster is simple in its imaging (only the flag and the runner) but complex in its message.
I used many photo shop tools to alter Jesse Owens image which allowed me to convey my ideas.
I feel this poster with the colorful american flag is the most visually appealing.

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